Paper Submission

  • Papers will be sent submitted online via the conference website. Papers sent via e-mail and post will not be accepted.

    Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 October 2021

    The languages ​​of the conference are English and Turkish. Participants who want to present their papers should send their abstracts in Turkish and English.

    Papers which will be presented at the Conference should be original, contribute to scientific development in the field of urban studies and shed a light on the main problems in the field. Authors are responsible for grammar and spelling errors.

    1. In the abstract, the aim of the study and the methods used should be briefly stated, the findings should be summarized with sufficient numerical detail and the result should be explained within the framework of the presented findings.
    2. Summary; purpose, method, findings, and results should be written using the titles. Abstracts will be collected through the online abstract system.
    3. Author’s name, institution, and contact information MUST be included.
    4. Names should be written in lowercase letters with only the first letter being capitalized.
    5. The names and addresses of the institutions where the author’s work must be specified. For example; XXXX University Faculty of Architecture, XXXX Department, XXXX Department, Çankaya/Ankara,
    6. Only the first letters of the words in the abstract title should be capitalized. (Abbreviations are the exception.) For example; Urbanization and Urban Transportation
    7. If an abbreviation is used in the abstract, the full name of the abbreviation should be stated in parentheses.
  • For Abstracts in Turkish/English:

    The entire Turkish/English extended abstract should be a minimum of 1000 words, excluding the title, author’s name, surname, and should not exceed 1500 words. Abstracts below or above these limits are not accepted by the system. In order for the referees to evaluate your papers better, a minimum of 1000 and a maximum of 1500 words have been limited.


  • Evaluation Process

    Extended abstracts uploaded to the system will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee, and it will be decided whether they are accepted for presentation.

    Abstracts submitted to the system between October 15, 2021, and November 15, 2021, which is the deadline for Abstract Submission, will be evaluated and the results will be notified to the authors via e-mail.

    The acceptance process of the papers to be presented at the conference will be carried out through the Extended Abstract. In order for the abstracts accepted by the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee to be included in the conference program, the owner(s) of the paper must be registered for the conference.

    An “Acceptance and Invitation Letter”, which they can submit to their institutions, will be sent to those who have registered via the conference registration page to enable them to participate in the conference.